Fourdeg is a Service company for heating optimization. 
Service improves indoor comfort and saves in heating costs. Fourdeg business model is SaaS - Software as a Service.

Fourdeg Smart Heating ® and Fourdeg Smart Energy™ are Services for property owners and energy companies.
The services benefit the whole value chain from a heat provider to the end user. 
The parties in the value chain are faced in different points of the service process. They also have a different interests for the service.
This customer journey is limited to Fourdeg Smart Heating ®.

Client: who is the client in this specific contact point of the service process.
Motivation: what is his or her benefit, interest or motivation towards the Service.
Pain points: what are the conscious or unconscious pain points and problems the client might face.
Point of contact: where the client is faced; F2F, online or using the Service.
Actions: what are the actions to correct or improve the service. 
Target: not all pain points and problems can be solved. Prioritization is required to provide the best possible solution with available possibilities and resources. Transparency towards the client is essential to gain his or her trust.
Other: are there other issues that might be missed, related to this topic, or is this topic effecting to other contact points.
Service process

Awareness: defining a potential client and how he or she is reached.
1st contact: information the client needs to arrange a meeting.
F2F meeting: who to meet at the client and how to convince different interest groups of the service.
Sales: proofing a positive business case in economical and user comfort point of view.
Customization: agree on the details.
Start: installation affects several parties in the value chain.
Operation: first use of the Service.
Support: optimizing the use of the Service.
After sales: ensuring a successful Service process.
Additional sales: clients and their representatives often own and maintain several buildings. 


Each contact point in the Service process was analyzed with corrective actions. 
I ran two workshops with the Fourdeg personnel and active investors. Clients were not involved at this stage, but personnel have a good understanding based on the client feedback.
The customer journey is a basis for further development of the Service. It also helps to approach the Service process from a single party point of view.
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