Fourdeg Smart Heating ® is a comprehensive Service to improve indoor comfort with individual and stable heating, and save heating energy costs by lower consumption and demand-side management.
As a CDO and Co-founder of Fourdeg, I am responsible of User Experience, User Interface Design and Visual Design.
The maintenance user interface is intended to the personnel responsible of the heating of the building. The user can monitor and control the heating in a web user interface.
In the heating schedule only the desired temperature and the time of presence are selected. The Service optimizes and saves heating energy at other times.
The Service learns the individual heat response of each room, and takes into account the local weather forecast. Thus each room is heated individually. As an example a corner room is heated differently than a room in the middle of a building.
Heating can be controlled in the whole building; part of the building, such as a floor or an apartment; and in a single room level.
In the heating schedule only the desired temperature and the time of presence are selected. 
The Service optimizes and saves heating energy at other times.
Web application works naturally also on a mobile 
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